Saturday, March 11, 2017

Vatican City

Vatican City

Do you know who Pope Francis is? He's the most important Catholic leader in the world. We didn't see him, but we saw Vatican City where he lives and works. Vatican City is actually its own little country! It's next to Rome, Italy.

Image result for pope francis smiling
This is Pope Francis (but we did not see him)


Inside St. Peter's Basilica (church)

Vatican City was well-guarded!

Daniel eating gelato at Saint Peter's Square,
 in front of Saint Peter's Basilica (Church)

Michelangelo finished the Sistine Chapel ceiling in 1512
The Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo's famous masterpieces.  Have you seen this before?

On the roof of Saint Peter's Basilica (Church)

Coming down from the inside of the dome of Saint Peter's church

Looking out from the top of the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica

The Pope's Palace (We took the picture from the top of St. Peter's church)
 Chairs were being set up for the Pope's speech the next morning. We are in front of the church.

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